Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day!!!

It's 18 degrees with a wind chill of -1 outside!!  But we had to get a few pictures in the beautiful snow...

"What's a Snow Day?"

Getting excited...

SUPER excited...

"Let me at it"...

"I love this stuff!!!"

We had fun for those few minutes, but it was COLD!!
So this is what most of the day really looked like...

Hope you had a great one!!


  1. Haha looks like our day! Yesterday AND today! (And probably the rest of the week!) We took Allie out for a few quick minutes, and it was brutal. I told Adam I'm so glad Allie isn't old enough to beg to go play in the snow, because she would be hearing a lot of "no way" from me! :)

  2. Haha!!! Jubilee is precious and I looooove her coat!! What sweet pictures!! And yes, your "for real" picture is what most of the winter season has looked like for us... We have gone through every Veggie Tales DVD ever made...TWICE!!! And I am SO serious! Ha!! I'm ready for springgggg!!!!
